Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Washable Swiffer Covers

As you can see, I have a Swiffer. I also have three dogs. Which translated to a lot of wet cloth replacements. My tile floor is beautiful, yet the cleaning agent on the wet towels leave odd streaks all over my floor. Plus, my entire house is tile, so I could easily go through one box on a 'quick' clean up. So I decided to find a greener (and cheaper) solution.
You need:
1 old towel, cut into strips 10.5"x4.5"
Scrap fabric, cut into strips 10.5"x2.5" cut 2
Scrap fabric, cut into 10.5"x9", cut 1
Swiffer mop, or other type of sweeper mop
1.) Using a disposable mop refill as a guide, or the photo above. Assemble the small strips on either side of the towel. With right sides together, sew along the long edges. Your sewing machine needle should be sturdy enough to handle the thickness of the towel.

2.) I used a small seam allowance. Unfold and place the large fabric with right sides together. Sew along three sides, leaving one side open for turning out.

3.) Once right side out, push out your corners for a nice square. Tuck and sew open edge.

 Your finished project should be the same size as the dry mop refill. I made 8 of these, because I feel like I am always cleaning my floors, and my towel was that big. Put on you Swiffer just as you would the regular refills. Cleaning up small spills, oops' from little kids and little dogs, etc. is simple. When your done, just throw it in the wash.
My dogs loved it. I thought it was awsome, cleaned up wet spills easy, for multipurpose, spray floor with homemade cleaning solution and it was a snap.
Happy Sewing and Cleaning


  1. What a WONDERFUL idea! I shared the post that CraftGossip posted on Facebook. This should simply be shared! :)

  2. Brilliant idea!
    Seasonal Celebration Linky #2 is now live would love you to pop over and link up! Rebecca x

  3. I love your wet swiffer pads. I have 4 dogs and yes I hate buying the swiffer wet pads. We have wood floors through the main part of the house so I can't mop. When I get over this back surgery I will be making several. Thank you for such an excellent idea!
